
Inspiration Example of a Leap of Faith

Sometimes when we are burnt out we think that we are out of options and there is nothing worth trying for. This is far from the truth. By the very fact that you burned out, you clearly gave a crap. And for those who give a crap, they can accomplish a whole lot using their effects on something they are passionate about. So please watch Sorelle Amore Finance to see how she broke down the wall holding herself from her potential and began establishing money from providing real value directly to the public. The most important thing to me in this video was that with an engineering, design, and finance background and quite a personality, the only thing that holds me from making money from my talents is MARKETING and being okay with putting MYSELF OUT THERE. There will always be haters because haters are jealous people looking to put down achieving their dreams. The best part about the world we live in is that the

Strategies for Solving Unfamiliar Problems

It feels reasonable to assume that solving unfamiliar problems gets harder with age. Why should we have to ask an old man to learn new tricks? He clearly doesn't have to... but what if he does? When I first got into college, I really thought I knew a lot more of the computer landscape than I did. I thought my experiences with writing computer video games could apply to most other computer problems. I was dead wrong. The lesson was made abruptly noticable in my data structures class where I first felt some self doubt in my abilities. The class was full of what appeared to be rather obvious conclusions around how structuring data could make software programs run more efficiently and consume less space, but the level of difficulty involved with demonstrating, explaining, and repeating results was not so obvious. It was similar to the experience I saw in writing music. To hear an amazing song is easy. To write the song and produce the record is MUCH harder. E

Burned Out Bing Bong

I'm burned out Bing Bong, a nick name granted to me by my niece (she was 1 years old).   For those not fimiliar with the term... (for simplicity) being burned out is the result of overworking oneself to an unhealthy level. It's worth saying now that being burnt out may look different and come on more easy for some individuals, so do not apply what you learn universally... everything surprisingly tastes better with some salt.   Today marks almost 3 months since my last work day ended. I am better than I was and have been seeing a psychologist to understand more of what has imprisoned me... It's not easily pinpointed for a person who doesn't want to share his negative experiences... I'd rather paint you a nice Instagram lifestyle... (not really).   The story is too long for a single blog post, but these blog posts may help you, your friends, or colleagues experience a wake up call before you end up feeling dried out  of a very valuable asset: positivity.